God bless the child...

By rxgod, 15 March, 2023

It's harder today to be a kid than when I was young.  How about you?  But why is that?  You would think that it would be easier to be a kid with every new generation if, for no other reason, than more and more knowledge is available to them making the mysteries of life less of a dilemma to solve and deal with.  The real problem for kids today is uncertainty and fear.  Let's see if we can get a grip on where all of that anxiety comes from.

Firstly, let's state the obvious.  There cannot be a child without parents.  Those parents were once children of their parents, etc etc.  What that used to mean is that each generation took the knowledge and wisdom from the generations that came before them and instilled into their own kids in the form of religion, values, cultural norms, and what used to be called "common knowledge".  It seems that's not quite so "common" as it used to be.  Throughout the generations, the elders of the tribe, if you will, were revered and respected as the holders and teachers of said knowledge.  In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Fifth Commandment (Exodus and Deuteronomy) says that we are to "Honour thy mother and thy father...".  This sentiment is repeated in one way or another in virtually all of the major religions of the world.  If you ask the modern deconstructionist Left, they will make impassioned (and illogical) arguments that this was done to perpetuate "the patriarchy" and enslave children to their parents.  Forgive my bluntness, but that's total bullshit.

Why would such a notion be SO important that, for thousands of years, we held it sacrosanct, but today it's said with a dismissive laugh?  I'm hoping that, by the end of this article, you might see what I have been studying all of my life.  It isn't an accident.  It's not a happenstance or the result of any sort of enlightenment of modern society.  It's a well crafted, meticulously executed plan to belittle, malign, and eradicate all tenets of previously held truths and leave the door open for infinite interpretation of all things previously accepted as truth.  In short, it was to brainwash this nation and all other nations that follow the lead of American culture to push the world more and more toward a place none of us wants to go.

You see it every day. It's all around us.  It's visible in every news story that you watch and just shake your head at.  It's Columbine.  It's Virginia Tech.  It's Aurora.  It's Newtown.  It's every story you read or saw on the news where you see destructive behavior or self-destructive actions that make you wonder what could possibly have been going through a child's head.

This article will not be fun to read.  It's not gonna be one where, after reading it, you'll feel better about yourself and the world we live in.  But it needs to be said.  It needs to be talked about and debated, because the evil that is being inflicted upon our children, the future of our country, is heinous and needs to be halted immediately.  Even if it means that you have to confront some things about yourself and the world you, yourself, grew up in.  If you've got the intestinal fortitude and intellectual curiosity to read the whole thing, and it inspires in you the desire to raise the conversation with others, then it will have been worth it to me for having written it.

We'll start out the next piece of this article at ground zero.  Step 1.  Where things started.  From there, we'll go step by step to reveal when and how we got to where we are now.
