God bless the child...(Part 2)

By rxgod, 18 March, 2023

There are 2 ways to take over a country.  One is through armed conflict and it's fast.  The other is much slower, more methodical, and precisely what we have witnessed in America in the last century.  It didn't start with the children, but the fact that it's now front and center with kids is even more damning.

Think about it.  Whose mind is it easier to change?  A middle aged man or a 5 year old?  That question was answered by the political Left back at the beginning of the 20th century.  In another article, I broke down the methodology the Left used to co-opt the power of mass communication to bamboozle the American people (and, by extension, the rest of the civilized world).  Let's take a brief step back and rehash just a bit of that for this article.

At the founding of this nation, communication was done face to face, in a local gathering, or by regional publications.  Not a whole lot of mass influence was available to the power elite, so most folks relied on their elders, the tenets of their faith, and the rules of their communities to form the basis of their belief systems.  Along came radio, then movies, then television, the Internet, and social media.  With each of these, their intention was more and more directed at influencing the masses.  During the earlier part of this period, we were still a culture that valued age and the wisdom that it brought to bear.  But after World War 2, that all changed.

With the generation of Americans born after the war, called Baby Boomers, the script was flipped.  They were the largest single population block the young nation had ever seen.  If you were the power elite, it was a target rich environment.  If they could somehow brainwash them, they would be well on their way to changing the nation as a whole.  In the 1950s, we started to change from an adult culture to a youth culture and we have never been the same since.  Madison Avenue advertisement gurus began to directly target the Boomers in order to get their parents (referred to by most as "the greatest generation") to loosen up their purse strings and buy buy buy all the doo-dads their kids just had to have.  This is the era when "keeping up with Jones'" began to take shape.

I do a fair bit of bashing when it comes to Baby Boomers, because I think that most of the ill that has befallen this nation came at either their insistence or their acquiescence.  That will become more obvious to you, I think, as this article progresses.  This particular generation has been catered to, cajoled, mollified, and had their ass kissed at every level in every aspect of their lives since birth.  What began as a small ember in the 50s grew to an inferno of cultural malformation in the 60s.

For anyone who hasn't been living in a cave or Amish community, the 1960s were a very incendiary time.  The political Left began to stretch its legs, if you will, by inserting itself into every portion of malice, angst, and dispute going on in the country at the time.  They would identify a target group bearing a legitimate grievance and quietly, clandestinely co-opt each movement for use as another stalking horse to propel their ideology.  Much as they had done with the Labor Movement earlier, they took well-meaning, well-intentioned people who were trying to resolve REAL problems and transformed them into a makeshift army of Socialists, Marxists, and Communists without having those same people believing they were doing so.  I'll let you do your own research on the Labor aspect of it.  Knowledge you gain on your own will, most assuredly, be better processed and accepted than anything I could say here on that subject.

The Civil Rights movement got taken over in this time frame.  The Women's movement suffered the same fate.  But the penultimate gain the Left made in this period came by way of the Boomers and the Vietnam War.  A study of the nation when it comes to Vietnam yielded a chasm between older folks who were pro-America, patriotic, and (via their participation in WW2 and the Korean Conflict) hardened in their beliefs that Western Civilization and democracy were the best hope for the future of mankind versus the Boomers who saw Vietnam as a place they didn't want to go, a war they didn't want to fight, and anyone who disagreed with them as their opposition.

The Left was crafty, as any interloper must be.  They utilized what I referred to in another article as "the psychology of crowds" to fuse the Boomers' collective psyche regarding the war into an outright rejection of all the accumulated knowledge, wisdom, facts, and logic of the previous generations.  They told the young adolescents of the day to "never trust anyone over 30" years old.  The Left effectively pitted youth and ignorance against age and wisdom.  This same scenario repeats itself with the next several generations and c0nnects the dots to the world we live in today.   Once they turned the Baby Boomers from a series of individuals into a grievance collective, everything started to unravel the fabric of the nation from there.

Boomers rejected any and all beliefs and tenets their elders espoused.  Religion?  Nah, that was for suckers.  The Left preached that religion was nothing more than lies manifested to control people.  Morals?  More poppycock, according to the left, whose sole purpose was even more control.  The values that had been built by generation after generation of the forebears was chucked aside like so much garbage.  Boomers had been convinced, by that point, to believe that their sensibilities were righteous and good, and anyone opposing them must be evil.  The political Left was masterful in using the youthful morsels of the day (rock and roll music and the birth control pill, for example) to lure Boomers away from the tutelage of their parents.  A type of proto-Hedonism grew like a bad weed among this generation like no one had seen before.  Parents would say "No sex before marriage", because they knew that children born out of wedlock would be the result.  Boomers say, "I don't have to follow that rule, I'll just take the new Pill".  Parents said "You have to plan for your future".  Boomers said "The Russians have the bomb.  I might have to go to Vietnam tomorrow.  I don't need to plan for the future".

Girls were told to remain chaste.  The Left dominated Women's movement, which originally was about equal treatment under the law, then became all about sexuality, and the advent of the Pill made that all too easy of a sell to a hormone driven youth culture who were already more than willing to reject the moral teachings of the church.  Parents and grandparents were said to be "square".  They weren't as "enlightened" as their children, you see?  To be young was to be "cool".  To be over 30 was to be part of a ruling patriarchy with designs on control, so it was the mandate of the youth of the day to "fight the power".  The Baby Boomers, without the backstop of knowledge and wisdom that they should have learned and accepted from their parents and grandparents, became helpless and hapless vessels for whatever intellectually dishonest newspeak that the Left chose to implant into them.  Spoiler alert, they didn't get much wiser as they got older.  This period of time proved the adage that "you can fool some of the people all of the time, but not all of the people all of the time".  The Left accepted this challenge and pursued their goals with reckless abandon.

In the next piece of this article, we'll follow the timeline a bit further as those very same Baby Boomers light their *gasp* 30th birthday candles and become parents themselves.  I'll lay out the breadcrumbs.  It'll be up to you as to whether or not you choose to follow them and make your own decision if I'm correct.
