God bless the child...(Part 4)

By rxgod, 23 March, 2023

There is an old saying that "Time flies...".  It surely does, especially when you're talking about how fast life goes by once you reach a certain age.    It's not actually true, we just perceive it as such.  But in the long term plan of the American Left, it can't fly fast enough.  With each new generation, they have ever more firmly entrenched their ill-thought philosophies.

They went for the gusto in going after teen and college aged Baby Boomers in the 1960s.  They dug in their position with the Gen Xers by moving the battlefront from college down to the high school level.  Their next logical move would be to move even further into precious youth by shifting their brainwashing down to the junior high level.  They had that move just in time for Generation Y.

Now, before another person emails me that I should be wearing a tinfoil chapeau, let me throw an example by you that isn't really disputable.  There was a study done 20ish years ago on the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).  This study linked certain forms of cervical cancer in female patients who contracted HPV from sexual activity (STD).  There are 3 takeaways so far: HPV, females,  and STD.  To be sure, there have always been STDs, because there have always been a subset of the population engaging in unprotected extramarital sex with multiple partners.  But, that subset was SMALL as compared to the larger population as a whole.

Unwanted pregnancy, it would seem, was not the only reason that previous generations of parents taught their children that sex should be reserved for marriage.  Baby Boomers, equipped with the new miracle birth control pill and released from the moral constraints of their predecessors, created a brave new world for themselves, they thought, where they could sleep with whomever they wanted with no consequences.  Oops!  Not!  The "Me Generation" brought on a new kind of hedonism that not only allowed for anonymous heterosexual encounters, but also fostered a new environment that promoted an even more pervasive and permissive attitude for homosexual encounters.  Both of these changes to previous morays brought on a drastic increase in all STDs (including chlamydia, syphillus, and later AIDS).

Where then, were the Gen Xers headed in that department?  Well, the age at which a young girl would lose her virginity went from marriage at the turn of the 20th century and wasn't really a trackable statistic, but with the "sexual awakening" of the 1960s I've been describing, studies revealed that young girls were losing their virginity at an average of 18 years old or so (read:college).  Not surprisingly, with Gen Xers, that age dropped to around 17 years old (read:high school) which is, not coincidentally, the time when the Left started to insert Sexual Education into the high school curriculum.  Interestingly, because the age of first sexuality was dropping, the American Left argued that Sex Ed should be moved down into Junior High School so that High Schoolers would be "better informed about their choices".  Can you guess what happened?  Yup, Gen Yers dropped the age to right around 16 years old.  Millenials kept the trend going by watching the age of sexuality drop to around 16.  Oh, did I forget to mention that Sex Ed was also moved back around this time as well?

Before you reach out to call me a liar, pull up your favorite search engine and research these points.  Nobody worth listening to even argues their validity.  Sex went from a rite of passage with marriage to the guilty pleasure of young adults, to an expected aspect of the teen experience, and our children have suffered under the yoke of pressure that it created.  Want a little extra proof of the Left's retrograde agenda toward children?  Let's get back to HPV.

When Merck Pharmaceuticals first got approval for the HPV vaccine called Gardasil, it was "recommended" for young college aged women.  The thinking was that they should get the vaccine to guard against the virus they might encounter in unprotected sexual activity.  See, the Boomers successfully removed the shame involved with pre-marital sex by engaging in it in THEIR youth, so they couldn't exactly ring the virtue bell when it came to their kids.  The recommendation of the vaccine was quickly replaced with the requirement of getting it in a lot of colleges and universities.  Look, I'm by no means some sort of anti-vaxxer.  That's not my point here.  My point is that the necessity for the vaccine is to avoid the long term effects of acquiring the HPV through sexual contact.  Much like the pill, this vaccine pushed morality just a little further in the back seat, not to mention that the American Left had spent the last 20 years or so pushing condom use.

Just like they did with Sex Ed, Gardisil was moved down to the high school level as a "recommendation" for girls, but as before, that recommendation quickly turned into a requirement.  They then started pushing for it's use in junior high level girls, and finally (in some school districts) it's being given to PRE-PUBESCENT little girls.  They've also been targeting little boys as well.  As I stated before, the Left is merciless when it comes to pushing their agenda.  Sexualizing children is nothing to them.

Millenials are starting to have children now and those children will head off to school where they will be met by even more smut and filth masqueraded as education, inclusiveness, and other drivel made to fool their parents into believing that their children aren't being indoctrinated.  I have said previously that following the trail of breadcrumbs on the topic of this piece would be difficult.  It will make you look with fresh eyes at things you just accepted as "normal" your whole life.  If you were born to Boomer parents, it's all you know, and if you are Gen Y or Millenial, it's all you've EVER known.  Gen Zers are so awash in all of this falderal, hope seems ever so slim they can ever see beyond it.

In the last piece to this article, as always, I will try to close the loop and bring things back to the beginning.  We will talk about the Left's singlemindedness when it comes to whom the children of America actually belong.  Spoiler alert.  It isn't you, their parents.
