God bless the child...(Finale)

By rxgod, 23 March, 2023

Back in 1993, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) coined the phrase "defining deviancy down".  He said that there was "a limit to the bad behavior that a society can tolerate before it has to start lowering its standards".  Senator Moynihan, a classic liberal, recognized 30 years ago that we were lurching toward evil at a breakneck pace and the only way we, as a society, could reconcile that was to keep lowering the standards of morality until they reached extinction.  He was right.

Nobody wants to see themselves as amoral.  It is easier on the human psyche to believe that the self is basically good, albeit flawed.  Such is the teaching of the Judeo-Christian ethos.  We are all flawed and fall well short of our compact with God. What we are seeing, and have seen,  in America in the last several generations is way, WAY past that as we exhibit a moral decay that hurls us ever towards societal devolution.  Instead of striving to make ourselves better, we willingly accept that being worse is, welp, OK, because everybody else is doing it.

One by one, all of the tenets and pillars of our society have fallen to rot and we've become nose blind to it's stench.  But it happened slowly, so nobody bucked against it.  Think about it this way.  If every time you wanted to go from the second floor of your house to the first, you had to jump the whole 12 feet down.  It would hurt.  The pain you would feel would hinder you from wanting to do it again.  But when you install stairs, the journey is less abrupt.  Less noticeable.  The transition is eased to the point where you don't notice it.

The same is true for the decadence and deterioration that dominates our nation today.  We have gone from a time when on obviously pregnant Lucille Ball couldn't be referred to as such to a time when drag queens are reading books in kindergarten classrooms.  The devolution is as obvious as the one big step down from the second floor to the first floor I described, if only you don't notice the steps that were taken along the way.  Rather, one little step of immorality was taken, then another, then another, etc.  At each, there was mild shock and ruckus, but little else.  And the Left moved the ball a little further.  People that knew better complained, and sometimes bitterly, but eventually the hullabaloo would quiet and the decreased level of decorum would become the new normal.

If we were becoming a better society, there would be a cacophony of politicians eager and willing to take credit, so why is there absolutely no one willing to TAKE BLAME?  To do so would require people to re-examine their current belief system and, forensically, determine how we got here.  Never gonna happen.  The Left will NEVER acknowledge their role in this country's disintegration.  If they did, it would become readily obvious how and why they did it.

The truth is simple and obvious once you draw back the curtain of deceit they thrust to the forefront.  The way they decided to change and corrupt the greatest nation in the history of the world was by casting the youngest and most vulnerable of it's citizens into the perpetual darkness of lies, half-truths, and dogma.  If a lie is told often enough and with sufficient vigor, it will become the truth when left unopposed.  With several generations of Americans poisoned by their mental filth, the portion of society that actually remembers what the real truth actually is dwindles and dies off more every day.  The Greatest Generation is almost gone.  Their children, Gen Xers (like me), are getting older and less influential thanks to modern communication methodologies like social media.  The generations that follow are so awash in the doublespeak soup that is the modern American Left that they wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit them in the ass.

It's evil.  It's criminal.  And it's the greatest example of child abuse in the history of this nation what has  been done to our kids and grand kids.  With each passing day, the future of this nation is being dissolved by the corrosive mindset of the American Left.  We, as parents and grandparents, need to step up, take our place in history (as the Greatest Generation did) and engage the enemy within.  We have to start calling them out, challenging them at every turn, fight their criminal actions when it comes to children, and do whatever we can to right the ship of state before the promise that was America is relegated to the ash bin of time.  Evil flourishes when good people do nothing.  It's time we stopped doing nothing.  For our children.
