Paging Mr. Spock...(Part 3)

By rxgod, 16 April, 2023

Facts, logic, reason, and truth.  According to Aristotle, these are the pillars of wisdom.  They are also, now, a target rich environment for the Power Elite to mold and form society in the direction they want us to go.  But will we follow?  So far, yup!

In the first 3 installments of this article, I have tried to paint a picture of how the human mind works in acquiring facts, assembling them into something recognizable by logic, assigning them value by using reason, and thus establishing truth.  Understanding how the machine actually works is key in divining why people are feeling the way they are and why things are unfolding around us.  I get it, folks.  Judging by the emails I've gotten, I'm way WAY in the tall grass with this piece.  But to change something, you first have to understand it.  It's my favorite line from one of my favorite movies "Blade" with Wesley Snipes,  "When you understand the nature of a thing, you know what it's capable of...".

In my lifetime, I have been both an eyewitness and a student of the efforts made by the Power Elite to confuse the minds of Americans.  Opinions vary widely about when and where the people of this country stopped trusting their own government and each other.  In the many articles on Version 1.0 of this website, I laid out, in chapter and verse, events that have taken place that lead Americans down this rabbit hole.  It's a crying shame that those articles are lost due to computer failure.  They were some of my best work.

Each one of them was like a jigsaw puzzle piece.  Assemble them, and the picture revealed itself.  And folks, the picture isn't pretty.  Let's start with you personally.  You know that something just isn't right.  Don't you?  Maybe you're like me.  Perhaps you thought that the issue of race would finally be put to rest in your lifetime only to see it blown up over and over again.  Maybe you remember being in school and learning about the religious protections afforded to us all by the Constitution only to watch them demeaned, undermined, trivialized, and derided by modern culture.  It could be that you're one of those folks that's watched politicians, all your life, repeat that small business and the middle class were the backbones of America, only to see them virtually drowned in a sea of taxes, regulations, misinformation, mandates, and accusations of villainy.  Pick your poison.  No matter who you are or what part of the country you hail from, I'll guarantee that you feel a nagging sensation that "something" is wrong. You just KNOW it.

I read an article the other day that said that Millennial and Gen Z men are not looking to marry and settle down.  Just a few generations ago, that was considered the ultimate goal of most folks.  It meant that you had grown up and were successful.  There was also a recent post on social media that went viral where a young man said that he wasn't interested in women who had "been around".  The media went berzerk!  How dare this misogynist bastard say out loud what virtually every young eligible bachelor was thinking?!  This is one little ditty worth pursuing for this article, as it is an excellent example of "up is down, on is off" thinking.

Men are (as was always, forever understood) hard-wired to be attracted to women.  Women have always understood this, and used that attraction to their advantage.  It's not just sex drive oriented.  It is a need to have a woman in your life, to love, to care for, to protect, and to share the journey with.  In a totally caveman sensibility, there has to be a genuine bond between a man with his woman and their children to encourage that man to share his resources with (food, shelter, protection).  Men, apparently, are not instinctively monogamist creatures.  Go figger!  They ADOPT monogamy when they find the right woman.  So the poster of the offending video actually had the temerity to say that he wasn't interested in any woman whose been past around more than a joint at Snoop Dogg's birthday party!

Women, it seems, view intimate contact as just that, intimate.  In generations past, first sexual contact happened on the honeymoon.  Here's a headline for you.  Men like sex.  Women, on the other hand, like sex with a man for reasons other than the act itself.  Once again, I will stress that this little factoid was well known, and widely accepted not that long ago.  But fast forward to today.  From a VERY young age, children are sexualized by the culture, the media, movies, music, and now the educational system.  Where, before, thoughts of a sexual nature didn't really bloom in your boys until puberty reared it's ugly head, it's not uncommon now to find explicit materials being accessed on the internet by boys under 12 years old.  Little girls are taught to be mentally fixated on their attractiveness before they ever even leave the playground.  Right of passage rituals like wearing make-up and leg shaving are now initiated (along with the initiation of contraception) ever earlier than ever before.

Where does that lead us?  The age of virginity loss has dropped dramatically during this same time period.  The number of sexual partners for girls and women steadily increased.  Sexual contact is now EXPECTED in new relationships.  Young girls are feeling more and more pressure to engage in sexual behaviors or risk losing the attention of the male's attention to another female who will.  If you follow this logic train to it's conclusion, you reach the point that the guy who posted the video indicated.  "If she slept with me on Saturday, who was she doing it with on Friday?"  Seem cruel to you?  It is.  Young men have come to think of young women as nothing more than a puzzle they need to figure out in order to get the sexual contact they know is gonna happen anyway.  Young women feel pressured to engage in said sexual contact or put at risk what they are told is their sense of self.  Yup, you can't really be a woman unless you adopt all of the worst aspects of masculinity.

The result is 2 generations of women who feel lonely, bitter, used, and confused.  More and more women are finding themselves unmarried and unfulfilled in their late 30s and early 40s because they have spent their youth trying to personify the ideal of the independent, enfranchised woman that neo-feminism told them they needed to be.  Men, to their detriment, having been convinced that meaningless sex was a good thing, are suffering a similar fate.  While older women see their prospects fade and their attractiveness to men being supplanted by the next wave of younger females, men are struck with the same arrow, only from a different quiver.  They are reaching the same late 30/early 40 bracket without establishing any long term bonded relationships.  Meanwhile, because sex leads to procreation, more and more children are being born outside of marriage, to the point that the term "baby mama" has replaced the shame that once was attached to having a child before a wedding ring.

Men are unhappy.  Women are unhappy.  Children are being raised in a sub-standard environment where their male and female role models have been corrupted by the false notions of "happiness" that the cultural Left told them would be fulfilling.  Everyone in that circle KNOWS there is something not right, but they lie to themselves in not being able to see themselves as at fault.  They KNEW that engaging multiple sexual partners outside of bonded relationship (marriage) was wrong.  They felt it.  But they allowed themselves to do so, partly because they were programmed to believe it was not only OK, but was a true expression of their individualism and freedom.  Their parents and grandparents knew better, and probably tried mightily to teach them those values, but were unsuccessful given the onslaught of contrary "facts" that Power Elite flooded into their kid's minds.

Sex outside of a bonded relationship, while immediately pleasing, is ultimately unsatisfactory, unhealthy, and empty.  That is a fact.  Reason should allow the individual to look at all the negative circumstances I just described to put the instant gratification into perspective and abstain in anticipation of a more concrete factor (like a real, long term relationship).  Logic SHOULD dictate that when you've weighed the pros and cons of the circumstances, you choose to do what you KNOW will benefit you in the longer term.  The TRUTH should then become obvious.  Instead, we are left with 2 (soon to be 3) generations of broken souls, lonely because of their own actions, empty and bereft of any true meaning to their lives having foregone that which truly mattered in pursuit of the wrong headed and trivial, and confused by the decisions that they made at the instruction and behest of the modern Left.

In the next piece of this article, we'll discuss another example of the disconnect between facts, reason, logic, and truth and another aspect of modern American society that leaves many to wonder just exactly what the nagging feeling in the back of their mind.  Read on, if you dare.  The next topic maybe a little too close to your life.
