Paging Mr. Spock...(Final)

By rxgod, 30 April, 2023

You know that you are upset.  You KNOW that something is wrong.  Amongst your family and friends, maybe you even talk about it.  But one thing I've come to find to be true.  The happiest people I know are Amish.  They don't have a television or radio.  They don't go to the movies.  They are completely removed from the cranial lavage we are subjected to daily.  Kinda makes it pretty obvious what the problem is, now doesn't it?

Want to tenderize some meat?  Any cook will tell you how.  You can beat the crap out of it with a hammer.  Kind of obvious, abrupt, and an in-your-face manner.  Or, conversely, you can do something a little more subtle.  A trifle more quiet and not so abrupt.  You can marinate it.  For those of you who don't do alot of cooking, that means you can just immerse it in the stuff you want to use to soften it up.  That's where we are as a society.  We are constantly soaked in disinformation and misinformation.  Your brain is just sitting in the magic juice that the Power Elite want it in to make it more absorbent to the BS they want you to think about, rather than what's really going on.  They're tenderizing your mind, if you will.

Marriage isn't really marriage.  Gender is fluid.  Right is not right, unless they say it is.  Equality and equity are the same.  Being tolerant and inclusive only applies when it means that you agree with what they say.  See?  The more you resist, they more you get throttled.  Have you noticed that, more and more, the folks that are standing up and saying NO to the nonsense are being referred to as "ultra-MAGA", "nationalist", and "white supremacists"?  Let's delve into that and examine whether or not it's true.

The underlying theme of this piece is fact, logic, reason, and truth.  Let's apply those principles and see if they hold true.  A hot button issue of the day is illegal immigration.  Let's start there.  We have been told since grade school that we are a nation of laws, not of men.  Is it logical to believe, then, that since the law of the land says that lawful immigration into our nation has stipulations, and to bypass, ignore, or outright violate those laws is OK for MILLIONS of people just to break down the door and enter the country illegally is anything but a violation?  Of course, it's not.  But to say so out loud will very be very shortly followed with an accusation of racism.

Is it racism though?  Is it reasonable and logical to expect your government to follow and abide by the same law making process they hold you to?  If Congress passes a law, signed by the President, that requires you to do a certain thing, you are required to do that certain thing.  If you don't do that certain thing, you can expect that a badge-wielding person will be visiting you soon.  There will be a sanction, a penalty, and possible confinement and loss of some of your rights for not following the rules they set in place.  Welp, there a rules in place that disallow non-Americans from making their way into this country.  Immigration law exists in virtually every civilized country of the world.  The reasons for these laws are obvious.  When former President Trump advocated that we should build a wall to bar people from entering this country while violating it's immigration laws, he was immediately called a racist.  Logic SHOULD dictate that we SHOULDN'T have to build a wall, but since the government isn't following the laws of the land, reason allows for the idea that we should.   Do you see the disconnect between facts, logic, reason, and truth in that?  If you haven't been following this article by now, or if you haven't made a personal connection with it to your own world, it's about time you did.

It doesn't matter to me if you're a Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, race not withstanding, gender irrelevant.  Facts are facts.  Truth is truth.  We have allowed ourselves to be convinced that these things are subject to interpretation.  They're not.  The Power Elite have gone out of their way to try and convince the populace that how you FEEL about a thing is more important than the thing itself.  How you FEEL is IRRELEVANT to the facts.  Facts don't change because you have a mood swing.  We HAVE to STOP being manipulated.  We simply must start standing up for truth, logic, reason, and facts and let the politics be damned.  If you don't, for example, believe that you are one of the folks who is being distracted by the "bread and circuses" I have referred to many times on this site, or if you are feeling somehow morally superior enough to believe that such things are beneath you, let me assure you that this is a fallacy you created and foster in your own mind.  With the exception of my Amish friends and others who disavow any type of contact with the zeitgeist, you ARE being affected.

Has it escaped your gaze that all of the social media outlets are designed around the psychology of crowds?  Are you blind to the fact that, more and more, people are more comfortable expressing themselves in anonymity online with the execution of limited choices of like, love, dislike, care, angry, wow, or sad expressions provided as your only options of reply to what people say, display, or describe?  Has it gone without any notice whatsoever with you that people are more concerned with how they are viewed than what the validity of their view actually is?  The truth is being supplanted with whether or not the mob agrees with whatever you said.  Here's a thought.  What if what you posted on social media was TOTAL BULLSHIT, but it sounded really nice and you got hundreds of "likes" from people who wanted to look like they care as much as you seemed to, rather than examine the truth and validity of what you actually said??  Are you a better person?  Are they? 

Folks, I don't want to beat you down psychologically here.  We are all just flawed human beings just trying to get through this life the best we can.  And yes, I can understand why throngs of people are so consumed with documenting every last aspect of their lives on social media, rather than just living it to the fullest.  It provides a false sense of community so that we don't all feel so alone.  But wouldn't it be better to have a REAL sense of community by actually living out your life IN a community of real people, with real thoughts, and a real examination of the world around us all?  Wouldn't it be easier to make the REAL world a better place by seeing it for what it really is, rather than seeing it through the prism of whatever the Power Elite tells us it is?  Wouldn't it be more productive to examine and analyze WHY you feel so alone?

The wrong you are feeling about the world is real.  Something is really wrong.  But we won't be able to right that wrong until we start doing certain things.  All of us.  Everybody.  We simply need to start looking for the things this article is based on.  Logic, facts, reason, and truth.  If we can, as a group, adhere to idea that these things matter and that everything in our world should stem from them, our so-called leaders will have no other option than to STOP trying to manipulate us.  True leaders will emerge.  And change, good positive REAL change, will follow.

