Sweet, sweet lullaby...

By rxgod, 14 January, 2021
Snooze away...

There's nothing quite like the sweet sound of a mother's lullaby soothing the troubled ears of a child.  No matter what problem is vexing the kid's mind, either real or imagined, the timber of Mom's voice and the simplicity of her words allows the youngster to ease his/her thoughts and trail back off into slumber.  Welcome to America in 2021.

We've spent the last several years of our lives like teenage campers sitting around a campfire being regaled with horrifying stories, only to sit there and act like we weren't REALLY scared.  Were you scared?  Were you?  When the overwhelming weight and mass of the media, celebrities, and popular culture screamed their Jason-based rhetoric at you, claiming that the Orange Man was da debil!!  Were you scared?  When they told you that the most powerful man in the world was secretly being controlled by puppet masters from Asia, were you scared?  When they extolled you with version after version of how a man could be a racist and the shaman for throngs of White Supremacists, even though not ONE person would go on record as saying that he had so much as uttered a SINGLE slur in his entire adult life?  Were you scared?

The thief who actually stole your lunch money spent 4+ years pointing a finger at somebody else and accused THEM of the deed.  Were you suspicious and scared?  Apparently, enough of you were.  You voted to support the accusers.  As I have often said in the previous version of this tome, we get the government we deserve.  We live the life we deserve.  And now, we get to endure the next several years being further manipulated by the greatest puppetmasters of our age.

They will continue to cajole you with lies, half-truths, and tales of woe, only to assert themselves as the saviors from all that purportedly ails you.  Isn't it always fun to have the cat that spread the nails all over the road try to sell you new tires to replace the flat tires they caused?  AWESOME!!

Enter the new President Elect, Joe Biden.  Firstly (and as a matter of bona fides), I'm not and never have been a Donald Trump fan.  This is to say that I think his personal style is lacking in class, couth, dignity, and presidential demeanor.  Succinctly, he can be a pompous ass.  Having said that, next in line is a gentleman who is affable, personable, easy going, and very likeable...who has also been wrong on every major issue of his day, not mentally suited to the task given his age and degree of mental ability, and oblivious (seemingly) to the cabal surrounding him who are champing at the bit for him to display even the most miniscule  incapacitation or infirmity so they can step in and relieve him of his duties.  Is Joe Biden more likeable than Donald Trump?  Epicly.  Is he more capable than Donald Trump?  Maybe.  Are you being lead down a garden path by the people who put Joe Biden in front of you as a viable candidate and convinced you that he will be anything more than a shill for the same Leftist agenda that has ripped the heart and soul out of this country for the last several decades?  ABSOLUTELY.

But just keep listening to the sweet, sweet lullaby that the power elite are singing into your child-like ears.  Feel the soothing touch of the media, celebrities, and others assuaging you that you haven't REALLY given them the green light to usurp the Constitution, institute policies and programs you disagree with and will undermine your way of life,and carry out an agenda that will totally change your country in to a place you never thought possible.  The music will be sweet.  It'll make you feel like a REALLY good person.  And anyone that opposes it will be projected to you as a monster lurking under you bed that you should fear, loathe, and despise.  Listen to that lullaby, sweet children.  At least until you grow up, and learn that truth, logic, reason, and fact actually do matter.


