
By rxgod, 20 February, 2023

If you've made it this far in this article, I'm glad.  It means that I'm either pissing you off beyond belief, you are interested in what I have to say, or absolutely NOTHING is on Netflix worth watching today.  In any case, please read on.  Race is one of the most pressing issues in this nation today and is a bellwether to a much larger movement that is dominating our culture now and has been for more than 50 years.

By rxgod, 19 February, 2023

The charge of racism is bandied about so often, in my view, that is has diminished in value to nothing but a pejorative.  It is wielded like a sword against anyone who disagrees with another person's position, isn't following the enforced rules of how and why a person is SUPPOSED to think or act, or simply just to label someone with whom you don't like.  In other words, it's used for everything but to describe what it actually is.  So let's take this time in this piece of the article to define and describe RACISM and delineate it from the other 2 words in our trifecta, PREJUDICE and BIGOTRY

By rxgod, 18 February, 2023

In the previous iteration of this website, I wrote a piece about race in America with the same name as this one.  Now, I should insert here that the previous website had over 100 articles that I wrote on a variety of subjects, but none of them garnered the same degree of vitriol and angst as that one.  The truly funny part to me, after reading and replying to countless emails calling me a racist, a bigot, and Klan member, etc, was that it became more and more obvious that the people firing off all this hate toward me had not actually READ the entire article.