By rxgod, 14 January, 2021

There's nothing quite like the sweet sound of a mother's lullaby soothing the troubled ears of a child.  No matter what problem is vexing the kid's mind, either real or imagined, the timber of Mom's voice and the simplicity of her words allows the youngster to ease his/her thoughts and trail back off into slumber.  Welcome to America in 2021.

By rxgod, 28 October, 2020

I am constantly reminded about a conversation I had with a really good friend years ago.  I asked the friend if they had ever read from my website.  The friend said "Oh, your political blog?"  After countless hours and hundreds of pages of my particular view on things, the friend saw this website as nothing more than a "political blog".  In numerous articles, I had touched on everyday things that happen in people's everyday lives.  Relationships.  Love.  Marriage.  Race.  Wealth.  Success.  Failure.

By rxgod, 4 October, 2020

Just when you thought, perhaps, it was over, another presidential election year is upon us.  Look folks, I really don't care what your politics are.  I'm gonna love ya anyway.  That being said, aren't you even SLIGHTLY amazed at the lengths the power elite are willing to go to in order to manipulate you into voting the way they want?

By rxgod, 3 October, 2020

As I detailed in the previous incarnation of this website, I have something tantamount to brain Tivo.  I replay every conversation, every interaction, and every happenstance with other people back in my head later.  I helps me process and also gives me a better insight as to why people act and react toward me the way they do.  Yeah, it's strange, but it's just the way I'm wired.